About this site
The content of this website and the application was developed by the staff of the Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre (KCE) with the help of external experts. The application for smartdevices was developed in cooperation with The Crew.
Responsible editor: Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre (KCE) - CBE 0472876076, Administrative Centre Botanique, Doorbuilding (10th floor), Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 55, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Technical information
Version: 2.0 (2021-04)
The HTML5 and CSS3 (Bootstrap 4) code of this site has been submitted to the W3 Validator and the BOSA accessibility check tool. The site is designed to adapt to the size of the screen (PC, tablet, smartphone).
For satisfactory navigation, the use of a recent web browser is necessary, the activation of javascript is necessary to test the application on the website.
Application for smartdevice
The application described on this website has been developed for Android and iOS.
Disclaimer of liability
All the documents on this site are presented purely for information purposes and KCE shall have no liability for their content.
The Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre shall have no liability for the information communicated on this site. Although our objective is to disseminate information that is up-to-date and accurate, we cannot guarantee the result, but we shall endeavour to correct any errors that are brought to our attention.
KCE shall have no liability for any errors or direct or consequential losses that you may suffer as a result of accessing or using this site (including the app), or for any damage or virus infection which may affect your computer or other computer equipment.
Certain documents posted on this site may include references or links to information provided by other organisations. However, the Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre cannot guarantee that such external information is relevant, up-to-date or accurate and shall have no liability in this regard.
The associations, organisations and websites listed on this site have been selected objectively, with the sole aim of providing visitors to our site with information that is as relevant and complete as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that such information is exhaustive, accurate and up-to-date.
References to certain companies or products may in no event be interpreted as implying that these are recommended in preference to other similar companies or products that are not mentioned.
Privacy Policy
This site uses cookies to measure visits (Matomo tool hosted on our own servers). You can choose to accept these cookies (opt-in), you can change this choice at any time (opt-out).
For more information on cookies and how to manage them, see the FAQs on the Data Protection Authority's cookies page: available in Dutch or French
Accessibility statement
The Belgian Healthcare Knowledge Centre (KCE) makes every effort to make the information available on this website accessible to all.
This accessibility statement applies to: https://preop.kce.be/, it has been drawn up in accordance with the guidelines of the Act of 19 July 2018 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.
Preparation of the declaration
An internal accessibility audit was carried out. The audit consisted of a simplified analysis.
This declaration was prepared on 07/05/2021. The last review of the declaration took place on 07/05/2021.
Level of compliance
This website is partially compliant with WCAG 2.1 - AA for the following reason:
- some elements have insufficient contrast (KCE graphical charter requirements)
Improvement plan
Compliance would be a disproportionate burden. We are currently reflecting internally on the updating of our graphical charter.
Feedback and contact details
We appreciate your feedback regarding our efforts to make our websites and applications more accessible.
You may send it to kce_webmaster[at]kce.fgov.be
Enforcement procedure
If you have sent us a question or a comment but have not received an answer or are not satisfied with the answer you have received, you may contact the Federal Ombudsman:
Leuvenseweg 48 bus 6
1000 Brussels